There's some good news and some bad news when it comes to Ace Combat 7. First, let's get the bad news out of the way. Unfortunately, we won't be playing this game in 2018. Yes, it has been delayed till January 18th 2019. As for the good news, well, apparently there will be in the neighborhood of 12 to 15 hours of VR gameplay for PSVR Top Gun's to sink their teeth into. Some gamers were very concerned about how much actual VR content is contained in the game. Twelve to Fifteen hours, while not a huge total in the realm of "flat" gaming, is still a pretty strong length in the realm of VR gaming. The VR portion was available for demo at Bandai Namco's e3 booth, and those that sampled the game came away impressed. The cockpit of an F18 Fighter was recreated with meticulous detail, and presented to the gamer in such a way, that they would basically see everything a real F18 pilot would see. Sounds exciting!
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