Beat Saber is available on Quest, and it's easily one of the best games on the platform. The key question with all titles ported to Quest... is how much of the original experience shines through? Was anything compromised? Especially gameplay wise.. I'm proud to report that the gameplay is fully intact. In fact, now that Beat Saber has 360 degree levels, it could be argued that the Quest version is the best version. There's a very slight downgrade to the visuals, but unless you've played a ton of the PC-VR version, you're unlikely to notice. One other thing to mention is the modding aspect. Now that Facebook/Oculus owns Beat Saber, the only way you'll be able to use mods is likely via the PC-VR version. Personally, there's more than enough amazing songs, with tons of DLC song packs available as well.
    Rating - 93Â