When EVERSPACE first arrived with VR support, it was widely regarded as a major disappointment, from a performance standpoint. However, recently the game has been updated, and the performance has been greatly improved. The game can still be a bit blurry at times, but most of this is due to the low resolution of current VR headsets. Some gamers will say that you really don't need to play this game in VR. That a flatscreen monitor with mouse and keyboard is perfectly fine. I think the immersion level is actually quite good in VR, and VR junkies like myself can still get a lot out of a game like this, especially if you enjoy the roguelike style gameplay. The game controls well enough with an Xbox gamepad, because you can use the two thumbsticks for Descent style twin-stick control of your vehicle. More recently HOTAS support has been added, so if you want to go all-out, you now have the option.