Every time I think back to PSVR's launch lineup, I'm just struck by how much variety was on display. Headmaster is a perfect example. Who would have imagined we'd have a game that would make you essentially a prisoner inside a Futbol based concentration camp? The game definitely shares a resemblance to Portal, in the ironic comedy stylings if nothing else. This game basically has you performing various challenges while you head a soccer ball towards some type of target. I have to be honest and say that I could never quite get the hang of getting the ball to go exactly where I wanted it to. Of course, in real life it wouldn't be much different, but I found the challenge in this game at times, to be on the harsh side. However, as much as I may have struggled with it, I keep wanting to get back at it. I know I can eventually work my way out of this damn Football Improvement Centre!
 Rating - 84

(PlayStation VR version reviewed)