Help Support the VR Game Rankings website!Â

If you enjoy what we're doing here at the VR Game Rankings website, and you'd like to see us continue well into the future, maybe considering making a small donation to help keep the website up and running. While VR Game Rankings LLC is set up as a profit making venture, so far the company is several thousand dollars in the red. We hope to one day generate enough revenues off advertising to see us in the black, but until then we could really use any and all support we can possibly get our hands on. We'd love to keep our lights on and our web hosting bills paid.Â
First and foremost, VR Game Rankings is a passion project that was started because we felt there was something lacking in the VR gaming community.
In my early days with VR, I wanted to know two very specific things. Which currently available VR games are the cream of the crop, and what upcoming VR games should we be excited about? Before I was into VR gaming, these two questions were easily answered by hundreds of various gaming websites. However, in the world of VR gaming, I still can't find one specific website that puts it all together in the right way. Thus, was born. The website began in late April 2017 with the dream of "making sense of the VR gaming landscape". We wanted to answer those two basic questions. What's the most amazing VR games available right now? What's the best VR games coming in the future? We'd like to think we're doing a halfway decent job of answering these two questions with our various rankings lists, as well as our upcoming Most Wanted lists. All the while, we wanted the website to not annoy visitors with tons of pop-up ads and other irritations. You can visit and quickly get some key information on what's hot, and what's on it's way. Is the website perfect? No, far from it. There's a million things we could do to improve this website by leaps and bounds, and were acutely aware of this. However, we're still going to plug away at it on a daily basis, with the hope that one day it will be a promise fulfilled. Any support you can provide with a donation would be tremendously appreciated. Thanks Again!