Back at ChinaJoy 2017, a new HTC Vive game debuted. It generated a ton of hype at the show. The game was REBOANT: Rise of the Nuhort. It's being developed by Darklord, a Chinese developer. A trailer was released that shows off a very graphically intense Sci-Fi shooter game. HTC had been bragging at the convention that Reboant could be one of the very first, true triple AAA games for the Vive. Obviously, several triple A games have since arrived for the Vive, but it does look pretty intense, at least based on the trailer. Of course, the trailer appeared to be mostly CGI, so it's hard to say if the actual game has that same intensity. The game has no been re-named Reboant Endless Dawn. It's scheduled to launch into Early Access on April 11th.
Coming April 11th