Why aren't PlayStation VR owners excited for Star Child?

We recently conducted a poll of PlayStation VR owners on Reddit. Well over 80 PSVR owners participated. The query was simple. What are your most wanted PSVR games? Which games are you most excited for, in order? We got a great response. A lot could be learned from all the various Top 10 and Top 20 lists that gamers submitted. Certain games that we weren't quite expecting, shot up the ranks. Other games, plummeted. One of the games that fell from grace was Star Child, being developed by Playful, and published by Gametrust. This game fell from No.9 overall, all the way to No. 23. If you look at the PSVR Top 20 Most Wanted, you won't even find the game. It fell off the Top 20 entirely.
Immediately following e3, the VR Game Rankings staff got together and adjusted the Most Wanted PSVR rankings to take into consideration the bombshells that were dropped. Skyrim VR, Moss, Star Child, Bravo Team, etc, etc. We really thought that Star Child was a big part of that hype. We're talking about Playful here. The creators of Lucky's Tale. These guys know how to make an awesome 3rd person character game in VR. Although the trailer at e3 was brief, it certainly was impressive. How could this game not resonate with hardcore PSVR fans? The guys and gals at r/PSVR are pretty hardcore. They know their stuff. Yet, most of them were relatively uninterested.

The game dropped completely out of the Top 20 altogether. It was ranked at 9, and it tumbled all the way to No.23. It didn't show up on very many PSVR gamer's lists. Why the lack of enthusiasm ? Could it have anything to do with the fact that you're controlling a character from a 3rd person perspective? Do PSVR owners only want 1st person type fare going forward? I really hope this isn't the case, because both Bound and Playroom VR showed the amazing things you can do with 3rd person platforming in VR.
The game might not be headed our way until well into 2018, so there might not be any reason for Gametrust or Playful to panic. Surely, cooler heads will prevail, and if this game lives up the to the pedigree that Playful has established, then it will become obvious to the gaming media that this is something special. The PSVR community, will pick up on this, and the excitement level for the game will rise significantly. I can say that all of us here at VR Game Rankings are still very excited for the game, and we can't wait to see a bit more in-depth gameplay footage.