Dead Effect 2 is the best VR game you've never heard of

While everybody is going nuts, buying up all kinds of VR games on deep discount in the Steam or Oculus sales, there remains a game with no discount whatsoever. The game is called Dead Effect 2, and it might be a better overall value than many of the so called bargains you're scooping up. BadFly Interactive has come almost literally out of nowhere, to deliver one of the best VR games we've seen this year. To say they killed it with this game is a mild understatement. I personally feel that Arizona Sunshine and Doom 3 BFG are two of the best VR games we have right now. Both Top 5 type VR games. Yet, here is a game, Dead Effect 2, that shares many of the same qualities.
It's resemblance to Doom 3 BFG VR mod is hard to mistake. Everywhere you turn, you'll be reminded of something that you saw in Doom 3 BFG. However, it's not completely unreasonable to think that Dead Effect 2 is better than that game in some respects. First off, Doom 3 BFG is basically from 2004, no matter how many times it's been updated or refreshed. It's 2004 roots tend to reveal themselves over extended play sessions. There is definitely a level of jank that you have to deal with when it comes to Doom 3 BFG VR mod. Dead Effect 2 VR, on the other hand, is a modern release circa 2017, and thus doesn't include the same level of jank. Dead Effect 2 isn't without it's problems, it does have some irritations, but as you traverse the hallways and rooms of the ESS Meridian, you'll stop and think, "Man, this game is just as good as any other really big VR game I've played recently".

Unfortunately for BadFly Interactive, many VR gamers will probably never get the chance to experience Dead Effect 2 VR. It's just a case of bad timing. The Oculus Summer Sale and the Steam Summer Sale has diverted everyone's attention towards games with deep discounts. Dead Effect 2 VR costs $20, like it has since it launched on June 8th. Still, I think if you have any appreciation for Doom 3 BFG or Arizona Sunshine, you'll probably want to give this shooter a look. The action is fast and furious, and the encounters with the zombies and other creatures can be quite visceral. If you really take a good look at the zombies (while you're blasting them to smithereens), you'll notice their varied and detailed character models. You're not shooting carbon copy zombies endlessly. It's very similar to Arizona Sunshine in this way. Another way the game resembles Arizona Sunshine, is the fact that it has a legit story, with speaking characters and decent voice acting. This isn't a wave shooter. You're going on actual missions, and moving your way through a solid sci-fi storyline.
So, is Dead Effect 2 VR a secret contender for our 2017 Game of the Year? Probably not. I don't want to blow things out of proportion. This game has it's issues, and it's not all sunshine and rainbows. I just hope that when people think of the best VR games that have released in the last couple of months or so, Dead Effect 2 VR is among the games they think about.