Developer tweet suggests Ultrawings is definitely coming to PSVR!

A recent tweet by developer Bit Planet Games would suggest that Ultrawings is indeed coming to PlayStation VR after all. There have been a number of rumors suggesting that Ultrawings would be announced as coming to PSVR shortly after e3. However, e3 was pretty well in the rear-view mirror, yet we still hadn't heard a peep about the game. We still don't know exactly how soon Ultrawings is coming, and the screenshot above is likely taken from the Oculus version of the new racing mode. Still, this is another example of a PC VR game being ported over to PSVR to take advantage of the large and hungry user base. PC VR games can find new and successful life on PSVR.

The game itself, definitely has a Pilotwings vibe that is extremely hard to resist, but it's release on Oculus was met with mild enthusiasm. Oculus gamers didn't exactly go crazy with what Bit Planet Games originally brought to the table. However, this racing update, definitely looks like it will add some pizazz to the Oculus release, and will probably be included from the get go with the PSVR version. It will be interesting to see how much of a "watered down effect" the game will have on PSVR. Arizona Sunshine recently arrived on PSVR, and some gamers felt there was a bait and switch from the game that was originally promised. Certainly, sacrifices need to be made to get these games running on a stock PS4 with the PSVR headset. EVE: Valkyrie and Job Simulator have both shown that it's possible to translate these PC VR games rather well, so we have to hope Ultrawings is another great example of that.