Super HOT coming July 17 to PlayStation VR (UK at least)

We knew Super HOT would be coming early in the month of July for PlayStation VR, but when exactly, we weren't sure. Well, if you're in the UK, you can grab this game on July 17th. As for the USA release, it could be on the same day, maybe a day later, possibly even a day earlier. We'll wait and see if an exact US date is soon to be revealed. PSVR Nation is very excited for this game, and we have to hope that it will translate well to both a base level PS4 as well as a Pro. The game itself is pretty simple in it's design, so I honestly think this game has a great chance at coming to PSVR without feeling like a 2nd class citizen. This game could end up having a great translation ala Job Simulator.

Hopefully the move controllers will be able to do a decent enough job while aiming your gun. The key will be staying inside the cone of vision for the PS4 camera.