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    Top 40 Most Wanted Upcoming Valve Index & HTC Vive Games
So far in 2021, it's been somewhat slow with VR releases. Demeo by Resolution Games is one of the only big games we've seen so far. Although it may seem like we've hit a lull, there's actually tons of amazing PC-VR games on the way.  Certainly, some of these games may face delays, and some might not live up to the hype, but there's certainly going to be some truly remarkable games sprinkled in as well. These are the 40 Most Wanted Upcoming Valve Index & HTC Vive games.
[updated monthly - last update 7/21/21]

37. The Last Worker
Wolf & Wood Interactive - Summer 2022

38. 2076 Midway Multiverse
Ivanovich Games - 3rd Qrt 2021
Release dates and release windows are fluid and subject to frequent changes. For entertainment purposes only.
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