Well, that was quick. It seems like it was just yesterday that Vader Immortal: Episode 2 arrived on the Rift. Remember that? It was a surprise launch on the first day of OC6 in late September. Well, another surprise is the reveal that Vader Immortal: Episode 3 is already upon us! On November 21st, ILMxLAB and Oculus wind up the trilogy. We had been expecting Episode 3 in early 2020, but a late November launch does make sense. Oculus wants to have a huge game arrive on their key platforms right around the Thanksgiving holiday. It's another feather in the cap to promote for the holiday buying season. The good news for the final installment of Vader Immortal (at least for the time being), is that this installment might be the beefiest of the bunch. The single player campaign is expected to last longer than both of the earlier episodes.
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