After The Fall by Vertigo Games is Delayed Again
Easily one of our most anticipated VR releases of the year, After The Fall by Vertigo Games has been delayed. Again. Originally the title...

LARCENAUTS by Farpoint developer Impulse Gear, headed to Quest and PC-VR platforms this Summer!
Earlier this year, we heard developer Impulse Gear was going to announce a new VR game, and that the new game would be releasing this...

Resident Evil 4 VR CONFIRMED - First Quest 2 Exclusive?
We reported on the rumor way back when the original Capcom leak took place in mid November of last year. Just last week, it was...

Brand NEW QUEST Rankings! - We've ranked the 164 best Oculus Quest Games
We've just updated our rankings for the Oculus Quest. This time, we've actually ranked 164 games! How amazing is that? Games are starting...

GORN for Oculus Quest has an official release date!
GORN, the highly celebrated, physics based gladiator brawler is set to arrive on Oculus Quest platforms on Thursday, January 28th. Quest...

Gloomy Eyes takes the No.1 spot on our Best Oculus Quest Paid Experiences Ranking
When most people think about VR experiences, they think of a quick distraction from VR gaming. Likely some free marketing spinoff for an...

Oculus First Contact is our No.1 ranked Free VR Experience on the Oculus Quest!
When most people think about the Oculus Quest 2, they think about the VR games you can play on it. Games like Beat Saber, The Walking...

AFFECTED: The Manor's new Darkness Update.. Worth your Time and Money?
AFFECTED: The Manor is a unique VR horror title, straddling the line between game and experience. It’s best described as a haunted...

The Walking Dead: Onslaught has been dated! Coming Sooner than you Think!
Great news for VR gaming fans! One of our most anticipated releases of 2020 has been confirmed. The Walking Dead: Onslaught will arrive...

Steady Stream of Big Releases has the Oculus Quest Lineup looking better than ever!
With each passing month, the Oculus Quest's library get's stronger and stronger. July was particularly impressive in this regard. Five...

Xenociders get's a release date and a brand new Trailer!
Xenociders by Donuts Co. Ltd. is a game we've been keeping our eyes on, since it first appeared on Steam. The game features lush jungles,...

Firesprite is bringing PSVR favorite "The Persistence" to PC-VR players this Summer!
Great news for PlayStation VR holdouts! There's only a handful of PSVR games that make PC-VR gamers cringe with jealousy, and The...

The Rig by Sunset Division still exists, coming this June!
At VR Game Rankings, we've been keeping our eyes on The Rig by Sunset Division for quite some time now. We we're always hopeful of it's...

Move over Beat Saber, The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners could be VR's new Flagship title
VR Game Rankings is now approaching it's 3rd anniversary, and in all our time covering VR games, there's been one sure bet, Beat Saber is...

2MD VR Football Unleashed coming to Quest this January!
Great news, Quest Fans! Another exciting title is headed our way with 2MD VR Football Unleashed by Truant Pixel. The game is coming to...

Arizona Sunshine gameplay on Oculus Quest has now been Revealed!
Oculus Quest gamers and VR enthusiasts have been wondering just how much of the Arizona Sunshine experience will come through this...

Early Look at Golem by Highwire Games - Worth the lengthy wait?
We first heard about Golem way back in late 2015 at the PlayStation Experience. In October of 2016, when the PlayStation VR launched,...

Release Date Explosion - Budget Cuts 2, Doctor Who: Edge of Time and More!
Well, it's that time of year again. We're getting closer and closer to November and the Holiday season. It's funny, because when you...

Hardware Spotlight: The HTC Vive Cosmos looks like another Missed Opportunity
At VR Game Rankings, our focus has always been on games and experiences. We don't really bother with the hardware too much. Having said...

Save a date for January, The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners looks like a real Powerhouse experienc
On January 23rd, 2020, Skydance Interactive and Skybound Entertainment are hoping to drop a proverbial bomb on the VR gaming industry....

We've ranked the 60 Most Exciting upcoming Oculus Quest Games!
The Oculus Quest is really on a roll at the current moment. We're just coming off Oculus Connect 6, and honestly, I can't remember a time...

We got an early look at upcoming VR title Boiling Steel and came away impressed!
Back in the Spring of 2018, developer MIROWIN released Guns'n'Stories: Bulletproof on the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. The game also landed...

Shadow Legend VR, quite possibly the Best VR game of 2019 (thus far)
I'm so glad that Shadow Legend VR has been finally made available, not just so you good people can start playing it for yourselves, but...

BONEWORKS by Stress Level Zero... VR's Next Big Thing?
The developers of Duck Season and Hover Junkers have recently re-introduced Boneworks to the VR gaming industry. Let's just say they've...