Review Coming Soon
Zero Killed (formerly Special Forces VR), is an exciting new multiplayer game coming for all three of the major VR platforms. Ignibit is trying to bring a CounterStrike like experience to the Vive, Rift and PlayStation VR. One of the biggest advantages of having a multiplayer VR game on all 3 platforms, is the opportunity for cross platform play. VR Visio is going to take full advantage of this, by allowing PSVR, Rift & Vive users to all play together. This is especially important in the early days of VR with relatively limited player bases to work with. As a bonus, the PlayStation VR version will feature support for the AIM controller. It will be interesting to see if this gives PSVR owners an a slight edge in multiplayer play. A beta is coming up in September that you can sign up for right here.