PlayStation VR Worlds starting to get a bit more respect - Ranked 42nd among all VR games!

It's so nice to see PlayStation VR Worlds start to get more acclaim and respect. Many PlayStation VR gamers tend to take the game for granted, because many of them received it as the pack-in with their VR bundles. I guess it's probably human nature to overlook the pack-in game, that some consider to be a mediocre collection of mini-games. Truth of the matter is, while this might indeed be a collection of mini-games, some of these mini games are truly special.
The London Heist action adventure sequence is probably the crown jewel of the package. While, it probably couldn't stand on it's own as a full game, it's one of the most powerful VR experiences I've ever encountered. You really feel like you are there, inside that room with a legit Guy Ritchie type criminal breathing down your neck. The chase sequence in the truck is even better. There were brief moments in time, when I felt as though I was taking part in an interactive movie, with the action enveloping all around me. The whole performance felt so real, that I couldn't believe a regular PlayStation 4 was capable of such a powerful VR demonstration.
A quick reminder that PlayStation VR Worlds is currently on sale during Sony's big Mid Year Sale. The download is $18, or $14 if you're subscribed to PlayStation Plus. (USA PSN) Sony's Mid Year Sale comes to an end on July 11th at 8am Pacific Time, so be sure to pick up the game before then if you want to take advantage of the deal.